Meet the Team

Our core team of ecologists and activists are working together to build and maintain a network of resilience.

Danny Diskin

Founder & Co-director

Danny founded RAIN as a way to give back to the biomes of Brazil after a year in the Amazon introduced him to the diversity of her cultures and creatures. One of those creatures was a microscopic protist called leishmaniasis, a flesh-eating parasite that colonised a few inches of his chest and had designs on much more. He cured it with traditional medicine of the region and has been on a decolonial mission ever since to promote regeneration, nature-based solutions and traditional knowledge.

Danny’s academic background is in the history and philosophy of medicine and he has been a high school teacher, a Japanese translator and a hypnotherapist among other things. His future is in the trees.

Bridget Rolfe


Horticulturalist and educator with a special interest in ecosystem restoration and finding ways to live in sympathy with the ecosystems that support us. Bridget works on strategy and relationship building in the UK, and is the driving force behind Regeneration:Network, our collaborative educational platform. She is motivated by the belief that everyone has within them the resources they need to thrive as an individual, and that integrating diverse perspectives and cognitive styles is the key to our collective resilience.

She has a varied background in land management, surveying, gardening, teaching, costume-making and the arts, a Masters degree in Literature, and she is currently studying Countryside Management at Plumpton College in Sussex, with a focus on regenerative practice.

James Tiburcio

Brazil Lead

James Tiburcio is a leader and advocate for sustainable development and social change. His work focuses on community-led ecological restoration and sustainable livelihoods. With a passion for driving positive impact on a global scale, he has dedicated his career to creating meaningful change in various sectors. Born in Brazil, and raised in Angola, Namibia and South Africa, James's early experiences fostered his sense of empathy and determination.

James holds a BA in economics, an MA in international relations and a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development. More recently, he did a postdoctoral internship in the areas of governance, policy and food security in Brazil and India as a visiting scholar at Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India. His continued pursuit of a better understanding of the world around him laid the foundation for his commitment to addressing pressing global challenges. James embarked on a journey with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on poverty alleviation and environmental conservation. His innovative approaches to community engagement and empowerment led to the successful implementation of several impactful projects across diverse regions. His expertise in fundraising and resource mobilization has been instrumental in ensuring the continuity of vital initiatives. He believes that education and awareness are the cornerstones of lasting change. Whether he's strategizing in the boardroom, working alongside local communities, or championing policy changes on the global stage, his dedication remains unwavering.

James is currently involved with different organizations in a life mission to alleviate poverty and food insecurity as communities are encouraged to become agents of ecosystem recovery and generators of sustainable livelihoods.

Bianca Cardozo Flores

Marketing Coordinator, Trees of Music

Bianca Cardozo Flores brings her passion for communication and commitment to sustainable practices to her role as Marketing Coordinator. Holding a master's degree in Literature and ongoing studies in Environmental, Social, and Governance Management, she has a strong academic and fieldwork foundation. Bianca firmly believes in a people-driven approach to communication, empowering those involved in our projects to take the lead.

Drawing from her extensive background in teaching, public relations, writing and marketing, she has dedicated the last two years to working for international NGOs focused on Ecological Restoration and Social Development. Her current position involves writing and developing sustainable projects for fundraising efforts. Drawing from on-the-ground community engagement, she conducts relevant data research to create narratives for project design and execution. Being at the forefront of Trees of Music is how these motivations come together, by uniting art and its relationship with people and the natural world.

Join us

We also rely on an amazing team of consultants - often working at drastically reduced fees - and volunteers. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact us here